

Artificial Intelligence & Salesforce Development

Artificial Intelligence products have taken the tech industry by storm. There’s the leader ChatGPT created by Microsoft and OpenAI. I’ve seen some fairly creative uses of the OpenAI.com API, ranging from creating a detailed summary and explanation of university lecture notes, to creating Salesforce platform code in APEX (Salesforce’s custom programming language), to augmenting the

Google App Engine, Django

Google App Engine Application

Zydeco created a Google App Engine application for a New Orleans area company that services large ocean-going ships on the Mississippi River. The application was developed with Python/Django on the back-end and Bootstrap on the front end, and utilized Google App Engine and Google Cloud SQL as a platform. The application is used on mobile


Salesforce & Google Drive

Salesforce’s APEX Connect namespace has classes that allow integrating with external file repositories including Microsoft Sharepoint and Google Drive. Here’s sample code that uses the latest Connect API ContentHub class methods to interface with Google Drive. The Connect API ContentHub class does not support folder creation; we use the Google Drive v2 REST API to

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